Shaneva Edwards, she/her/hers. Science and Technology Magnet High School.Been with HYV for 2 years. To be free means to educate yourself and release your mind from the fetters of ignorance.

My name is Andhrose Bazil, she/her/hers pronouns, I attend Providence College, I’ve been in Hearing Youth Voices for 2 years now. My vision for the future is that Black and Brown people are free to be their true selves, and there is no more police brutality. Members of the LGBTQ+ community are not afraid of showing their true selves, because there will not be anyone judging them. There is no more gun violence, kids feel safe in their schools, and girls are able to feel and be safe whenever they leave their homes.

Hey! My name is Taylin Santiago. I am a senior at New London High School and I have been with Hearing Youth voices since 2017! I envision a future where oppression doesn’t exist and my people are at peace ☮️

Hi, I’m Azzure’ Brown but most people know me by Azzy, I go by she, her, and hers pronouns and this is my second year with Hearing Youth Voices. I believe that for anyone in this world attempting to escape society and its norms, you just need the acceptance of what YOUR mind and YOUR heart needs. This life won’t always be easy but knowing yourself truly helps to ease the trouble.

Twok Burrel, He/him/his pronouns, currently attending Arts at the Capitol Theater magnet high school. Been with HYV for 5 years. I envision to see all students of color around the world being better informed about where they come from and a better understanding of what it truly means to be a human of color.

Shawn B. Fletcher - He Him His. I have been with Hearing youth voices for almost 2 years now. For the future, I see myself as President of the United States in 2050. I also envision Hearing Youth Voices as a national organization in every state. Additionally, I envision Hearing Youth Voices having an office space in New London Public Schools and being facilitators for all the disciplinary actions for students. Liberation is the freedom to be move and act. I view liberation as Reparations for Black people. However, we won’t get liberated until a system White Supremacy ends.

My name is Eliza, I go by She Her Her’s and I am a senior at New London High School! Liberation to me is breathing without feeling held back.

Hi, my name is Aaliyah Figueroa, born and raised in New London, CT. My goal is to give back to my city and make an impact on my community. It starts with us.

My name is Tareonna Alger-Rodriguez and I use she/her pronouns. I am currently a senior at New London High School and have been with Hearing Youth Voices for a little over a year now. What I envision for the future is education that will go beyond our classrooms, allowing everyone to liberate themselves and others.

Shane G Brooks He/Him/his. Science and Technology Magnet High School. I’ve been with Hearing Youth Voices for two years now and I love the impact that we made in the State. Liberation looks like African Americans getting Reparations in the prison system and the system racism being dismantled. I would like college to be free, and money should be involved to with this process. We get to this process by everyone from different races and ethnic groups to be on one accord. To work together and bring about change. Everyone has the power to dismantle an unjust situation.

Zeraiah L. Ramos She/Her pronouns Science and Technology Magnet High School of Southeastern Connecticut. Been with HYV since March 2018. Liberation is where all people of life can walk through the earth with an ability to undeniably be who they want to be and remain happy in doing so.