Mutual Aid Work

Obtaining and achieving your goals can be difficult, whether that be educational, entrepreneurial, or self-fullment (whatever that means to you). In other cases, obstacles may pose a bigger threat, be it to our livelihood and those of the people we love. Hearing Youth Voices' mission is not only to advocate for our community but to give support in non traditional ways, especially during these very unpredictable times. For these reasons we created the following funds:



Hearing Youth Voices' mission is not only to advocate for our community but to give support in non traditional ways, especially during these very unpredictable times. Covid-19 has highlighted how deeply the community depends on each other and how large the resource deficit in New London is. While we don't have the capacity to fill each and every gap we hope our contribution to you and your family can help in the meantime. This is a growing process open to change as we learn more about how to best do this work.  



We are happy to be able to encourage our community to support each other while we offer some financial assistance through our Dream Fund. We understand the role of capitalism in our lives and the burden that a lack of access to funds creates. While we work towards a world that challenges that, we offer the Dream Fund as a way to supplement that impact and allow easier access to our dreams and goals.

Our expectation is that you will share back with our community about your dream!